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Read I Love You, Miss Genius Novel Full Chapters


    I Love You, Miss Genius Novel - Bonnie Shepard, a country girl, is the talk of the town. Rumors say she's a loser who loves fighting and fooling around. Her fiancé dumps her, and the esteemed Knight family distances themselves, causing the Shepards no small embarrassment. But when the world uncovers her true identity as the nation's leading researcher, everyone is awed.

    To their surprise, she's not only a math genius, but also a chess prodigy, a medical guru, and a kickboxing expert, outshining even the wealthiest tycoon on the Forbes list. Prominent figures and affluent heirs vie openly for her affection. Bonnie, will you marry me? I'm fit, and I’m the most romantic and considerate partner you'll ever find. Hell, I'll even handle all the household chores.

    Bonnie, choose me, please? My family owns a mine, and you can buy anything you want! Ivor Knight, the CEO who once spurned her, regrets it so much that he can only say, Fuck off, okay? She's mine.

    Description of Novels

    Title: I Love You, Miss Genius

    Author: - 

    Publisher: Webfic

    Ratings: 9.2 (Very Good)

    Genre: Romance

    Language: English

    I Love You, Miss Genius Novel

    How to Read I Love You, Miss Genius Novel

    The novel entitled I Love You, Miss Genius is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Webfic application which you can download on the google play store by searching for "I Love You, Miss Genius" in the search menu for the Webfic application or directly open here.

    After opening the link above, later you will be directed to the safelink site, please scroll down, wait a moment, and click the Read link, then you will be directed to the official site of this novel.


    Well, that's the review and how to read the I Love You, Miss Genius Novel. This novel is a novel that is suitable to read for those of you who like Romance genre novels. What do you think about this novel? Is it fun to read? Please comment in the comments column on the website below.

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