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Read Broken Heart Repaired Novel Full Episode


    Broken Heart Repaired Novel - Sophie had always known that she was not free to choose whom she would marry. Her family owed a debt to the wealthy and powerful Luke, and as it stood, the only way to pay it off was for her to marry him. Despite her reservations and her protests, Sophie knew she had no choice but to accept this fate.

    On the other side of the arrangement, Luke was far from thrilled about the situation. He was convinced that Sophie was a vain woman who was only marrying him for his money. As far as he was concerned, this was a transaction, not a romance. The two started out on rocky ground, with Luke unwilling to trust Sophie and Sophie feeling constantly misunderstood.

    But as they began to spend more time together, they started to see glimpses of each other's true selves. As time went on, Luke realized that he was starting to fall for Sophie. And despite her initial reluctance, Sophie too found herself drawn to Luke in ways she had never expected. How was their marriage going to carry on? How would their marriage turn out?

    Description of Novels

    Title: Broken Heart Repaired

    Author: Wind Shadow

    Publisher: Goodnovel

    Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

    Genre: Romance

    Language: English

    Read Broken Heart Repaired Novel Full Episode

    How to Read Novel Broken Heart Repaired Full Episode

    The novel entitled Broken Heart Repaired is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Goodnovel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for "Broken Heart Repaired" in the search menu for the Goodnovel application or directly open here.

    After opening the link above, later you will be directed to the safelink site, please scroll down, wait a moment, and click the Read link, then you will be directed to the official site of this novel.


    Well, that's the review and how to read the novel Broken Heart Repaired Full Episode. This novel is a novel that is suitable to read for those of you who like Romance genre novels. What do you think about this novel? Is it fun to read? Please comment in the comments column on the website below.

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