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Read The Beauty and the Brain Novel Full Episode


    The Beauty and the Brain Novel - In Brussels, there was a desolate town. Rose was bound by chains to a chair in a dimly lit dungeon. There were countless welts and knife wounds that littered her body. Wren Terry had already used every punishment one could imagine on her. He subjected her to endless torment, though refusing to let her die.

    Now, Wren looked at her and mocked, I bet the famous Rose, or Ace Killer, would never imagine herself in a situation like this. Then, Wren picked up the dagger from the table and, with a single strike, damaged the tendon in Rose's right hand.

    Ah! Rose screamed, gasping for air as she spoke in broken sentences. Why? Why. are you doing this? It's because you're just a lowly person! A pawn of Rodger Group, no less! Seth is mine! This is what you get for trying to seduce my man! Wren fiercely stabbed the dagger into Rose's thigh and twisted it forcefully. In an instant, Rose's thigh became mangled.

    Let me tell you that Seth and I will be engaged soon. Your influence on the confidants in Rodger Group will be completely eradicated by me. You're just a nameless orphan that someone picked up off the streets. Nobody will remember who you are! Wren said viciously.

    Description of Novels

    Title: The Beauty and the Brain

    Author: Natalie Jones 

    Publisher: Readom

    Genre: Romance

    Read The Beauty and the Brain Novel Full Episode

    How to Read Novel The Beauty and the Brain Full Episode

    The novel entitled The Beauty and the Brain is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Readom application which you can download on the google play store by searching for "The Beauty and the Brain" in the search menu for the Readom application or directly open here.

    After opening the link above, later you will be directed to the safelink site, please scroll down, wait a moment, and click the Read link, then you will be directed to the official site of this novel.


    Well, that's the review and how to read the novel The Beauty and the Brain Full Episode. This novel is a novel that is suitable to read for those of you who like Romance genre novels. What do you think about this novel? Is it fun to read? Please comment in the comments column on the website below.

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