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Read The Princess Slave Novel Full Episode


    The Princess Slave Novel - As Princess of the werewolves, it was known that one day Violette would be the best Queen the lands have ever known. Despite how awful she was treated by her Father after the passing of her Mother, Violette stayed true to her kind and caring character.

    She wanted nothing but a happy life with her fated mate, but, she realized that would never happen on the day she was captured and named the slave of the Lycan King, her family’s greatest enemy. King Viktor was not always a King. He was once a prince who had a family, until they were all murdered by the hands of Violettes Father, King Arthur of the werewolves.

    Viktor was captured by Arthur and tortured for 2 years until he escaped and returned to his home to take his place in the throne. Viktor wanted revenge. So with his men he stormed king Arthur’s Kingdom with the plan to take his life, but what he found was even better. He found that not only was King Arthur nowhere to be seen, but instead found his only child, Violette.

    The most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. What happens when Violette and Viktor grow to care deeply for one another? Will they accept each other, despite the war between their families? Will they ever have a chance at happiness, even if they’re fated or not?

    Description of Novels

    Title: The Princess Slave

    Author: NoodleMom2021

    Publisher: Dreame

    Genre: Werewolf

    Read The Princess Slave Novel Full Episode

    How to Read Novel The Princess Slave Full Episode

    The novel entitled The Princess Slave is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Dreame application which you can download on the google play store by searching for "The Princess Slave" in the search menu for the Dreame application or directly open here.

    After opening the link above, later you will be directed to the safelink site, please scroll down, wait a moment, and click the Read link, then you will be directed to the official site of this novel.


    Well, that's the review and how to read the novel The Princess Slave Full Episode. This novel is a novel that is suitable to read for those of you who like Werewolf genre novels. What do you think about this novel? Is it fun to read? Please comment in the comments column on the website below.

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